Florida Woman Pulls Gun Because Restaurant Didn’t Carry Her Favorite Meal
(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
She pulled the gun when they said they didn't have the meal.
We’ve all seen the movie. Two prisoners stand next to each other and lean against the bars. As they stare into the distance, one convict slowly exhales the smoke from a Marlboro and asks the other, “whatcha in for?”. At a moment like that, it’s best to have an impressive answer. But somertimes you don’t. Take the case of Florida woman, who is now in jail because investigators say she pulled a gun on a worker at a fast food restaurant after they told her they didn’t have her favorite meal. In fact the meal she requested wasn’t even on the menu.
Police say 26-year-old Quavi Young pulled up to a drive-thru at a Mcdonalds in Brevard County and ordered a meal. Problem was, McDonalds doesn’t sell a meal like she requested. The worker told Young that they could not fulfill her order because they didn’t sell what she wanted. When the woman drove to the first window, she again ordered the meal. The worker told Yuoung that they could not fill the order, which enraged her. That’s when officers say she produced a gun and threatened the life of the worker.
The Cocoa Police Department arrived on the scene quickly and interrogated the woman. When they searched her car, they found an M&P pistol with an aftermarket drum-style magazine sitting in the passenger seat. The drum enabled the gun to hold about 50 rounds of ammunition. Young was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, open carrying of a firearm and driving while her license was suspended. Her mugshot is creating quite a stir. Source: NBC-2.com
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Michigan Is One Of The Angriest States In America
It’s completely normal to feel angry at some point in life. Some people are better at dealing with anger than others. Some people are just angrier than others. And it turns out, some states are angrier than others.
Michigan ranked number 10 on Best Life’s angriest states in America survey. They created an Anger Index that consisted of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s most recent Fatality Analysis Reporting System and info by Auto Insurance Center, to determine the amount of each state’s fatal accidents involving road rage.
Best Life also used the FBI’s hate crime data to analyze hate crimes per capita, which they say is often motivated by anger. Their results showed that, on average, America isn’t all that angry. But Michigan made the top 10 along with states from the West, Midwest, Northeast, and South.
Here are the 10 top angriest states in America.
Pickle Ball Is Growing In Popularity In Tampa
Sean Roberts was conceived in the Corvette Assembly Plant in Bowling Green, Kentucky by two passionate, panel aligning, third shifters who had grown bored with the same ole same ole. Upon birth, he was placed in the trunk of a new Stingray and sent off to find his destiny.
That destiny included several stints on radio stations across the United States. Some played punk country gospel, while others focused on Croatian death metal played backwards.
After many years and many adventures, Sean wound up on The Shark, where he does shots of tequila while playing the most badass tunes ever created by humankind.
He remains humble, however, never forgetting about the lean years...the street corners and dark alleys where he played songs on his car stereo for food and sex.
He's on top and he's never gonna stop LIVING THE DREAM!