Casey DeSantis Reveals Powerful Campaign Ad
I’m not trying to take sides. I’m not trying to start an argument. I’m not telling you who to vote for. But as my girlfriend and I sat in our living room last night, a commercial came on featuring Casey DeSantis. Before I go any further, let me say that my girlfriend and I have both been touched by cancer. Then again, most people can say that. We also both have veterans in our families. Finally, we sure do love our grandbabies.
If you’ve seen the commercial, you’ve seen Casey Desantis telling us about her husband. Not the guy who shows up by helicopter at disaster sites, but the father, military man and husband. Now, I understand we all have different views about different things. I’m not asking you to vote for the guy. I’m not saying you should give my story a second glance. I’m not even saying I’ll vote for DeSantis. What I am saying is, this is the most targeted and moving campaign ad I’ve ever seen. Casey describes the man we would all love to be. She describes her husband helping her stand when she couldn’t, due to cancer treatment complications. She shows him playing with the kids.
With elections still about a month away and the constant barrage of negative campaign ads, it’s a welcome change. I know it’s targeted. I know it’s designed to tug on my heart strings. I know she says all the right words in just the right way for maximum effect, but she sure does nail it. In the latest poll, DeSantis is leading his opponent, Charlie Crist, by a healthy margin. Most voters say they have been very impressed by DeSantis’ handling of the Hurricane Ian aftermath. Regardless of where you stand, it sure will be nice to get back to seeing erectile dysfunction ads on TV when this whole thing is over. Source:
Cleaning Up and Building Up
Photos From the Ground: Weekend Clean Up In South Florida After Hurricane Ian
Slowly But Surely, Things Are Getting Better