Budweiser Truck Crash Blocks I-275
The entire truck rolled and crashed.
In a heartbreaking turn of events, a fully-loaded Budweiser truck lost control and crashed on I-275 yesterday.
No one was injured, but the loss of frothy adult beverages is sure to send shock waves across the bar industry and backyard tiki havens as the news travels. We may also experience temporary shortages (probably not) until the beer can be replaced.
According to WFLA, the mishap, which happened near the MLK exit, is believed to be weather-related. Please drive safely in the area, as mourners (and people with straws) may be present.
The report didn’t mention whether the beer was cold or warm. The eternal optimist in me hopes it was warm and mostly suds.
In the Meantime, Check Out These Upcoming Tampa Shark Concerts and a Few Worth a Trip!
Sean Roberts was conceived in the Corvette Assembly Plant in Bowling Green, Kentucky by two passionate, panel aligning, third shifters who had grown bored with the same ole same ole. Upon birth, he was placed in the trunk of a new Stingray and sent off to find his destiny.
That destiny included several stints on radio stations across the United States. Some played punk country gospel, while others focused on Croatian death metal played backwards.
After many years and many adventures, Sean wound up on The Shark, where he does shots of tequila while playing the most badass tunes ever created by humankind.
He remains humble, however, never forgetting about the lean years...the street corners and dark alleys where he played songs on his car stereo for food and sex.
He's on top and he's never gonna stop LIVING THE DREAM!