Florida Man Spends $400k Of Company Money On Strippers and Liquor
I guess ‘misuse of funds’ is a relative term, but attorneys for the prosecution say that is exactly what happened when the CEO of Ecover Global made over $400,000 in questionable purchases. Ecover Global has an app that helps doctors share messages with patients, and they were seeking investors most of the year. That’s where CEO Raymond “Ben” Sever comes in. During a seminar in Tampa, he told potential investors that a sizable chunk of the money needed had already been procured. Now, charges of inappropriate spending have surfaced. He is accused of spending the money on escorts, strip clubs and other non-business related expenditures. The lawsuit claims that Sever paid the following: Almost $30,000 to a total of 9 women. Many charges were ATM withdrawals for liquor and The Dollhouse strip club. Over $12,000 was paid toward his personal rent. Just under $65,000 was also spent on Uber, Lyft and other similar services. There was even over $5,000 in payments used for gifts for family members. – Sean Roberts
Source: TampaBay.com