Florida Man Charged With Beating And Death Of Peeping Tom
Photo by Peter Summers/Getty Images
A Florida man is charged with manslaughter for fatally beating a peeping tom who had been peering into his girlfriend’s window as they had sex.
Victor Vickery was charged Thursday with the death of 57-year-old Asaad Akar.
The South Florida Sun Sentinel reports that the 30-year-old Vickery and his girlfriend were in bed when they heard a sound outside. Vickery went outside and found Akar, who had a criminal record for prowling.
The two began fighting while the girlfriend called 911. Vickery told Fort Lauderdale police Akar attacked him and that he punched and kicked Akar a few times. Akar died at the hospital later that night.
Vickery is in jail with a $100,000 bail. He is also charged with a sexual battery that happened a month after Akar’s death.
Source: Channel 13
Sean Roberts was conceived in the Corvette Assembly Plant in Bowling Green, Kentucky by two passionate, panel aligning, third shifters who had grown bored with the same ole same ole. Upon birth, he was placed in the trunk of a new Stingray and sent off to find his destiny.
That destiny included several stints on radio stations across the United States. Some played punk country gospel, while others focused on Croatian death metal played backwards.
After many years and many adventures, Sean wound up on The Shark, where he does shots of tequila while playing the most badass tunes ever created by humankind.
He remains humble, however, never forgetting about the lean years...the street corners and dark alleys where he played songs on his car stereo for food and sex.
He's on top and he's never gonna stop LIVING THE DREAM!