Florida Man Cuts Off Dude’s Penis And Runs Away With It
Photo by Kena Betancur/Getty Images
A Florida man held his wife’s lover at gunpoint and cut off the man’s penis before running like hell with the bloody pud pounder.
News outlets report 49-year-old Alex Bonilla was arrested hours later on charges including aggravated assault.
The report says Bonilla broke into his neighbor’s home on Sunday, tied the neighbor up and mutilated his genitals with scissors. Deputies say the victim told authorities that Bonilla then took the severed penis and fled across the street to his own house.
Deputies say the motive still is under investigation, though an arrest report says Bonilla caught his wife and the victim having sex in May.
The victim was hospitalized.
Source: WFLA
Sean Roberts was conceived in the Corvette Assembly Plant in Bowling Green, Kentucky by two passionate, panel aligning, third shifters who had grown bored with the same ole same ole. Upon birth, he was placed in the trunk of a new Stingray and sent off to find his destiny.
That destiny included several stints on radio stations across the United States. Some played punk country gospel, while others focused on Croatian death metal played backwards.
After many years and many adventures, Sean wound up on The Shark, where he does shots of tequila while playing the most badass tunes ever created by humankind.
He remains humble, however, never forgetting about the lean years...the street corners and dark alleys where he played songs on his car stereo for food and sex.
He's on top and he's never gonna stop LIVING THE DREAM!