Zito’s Pick For The Greatest Rock Video Of All Time
There are plenty of fantastic rock videos out there, but trust me, when you watch this one, you will be like, “Yeah, that is the greatest of all time. The video is very specific; you can’t just go searching for anything. AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long (Official Video- Who Made Who). This video has everything to make it the greatest rock video of all time. Hot girls, kicking rifts, hot girls, AC/DC, and hot girls. Did we mention the hot girls? There is a scene in the video where you can watch one of these girls in a leather workout suit with a precariously placed zipper that leaves nothing to the imagination.
Let’s say you want to forget about the hot girls (We know you don’t but let’s pretend here), and there is some great comedy to it as well. Plenty of gags happen through the entire video that will have you laughing as well as head banging or doing that one-legged guitar hop Angus is known for. So give the video a shot; we got it for you right here, and afterward, you can thank me for showing you this masterpiece. And did we mention hot girls?