Why is the Skyway Yellow?
One of the trademark landmarks for the Bay area is the Sunshine Skyway. But why is it yellow right now? This is to bring awareness to the mover over law in the state of Florida. For the rest of the week, the SKyway will change from its multiple coloring pattern to a solid yellow.
“Every year far too many law enforcement officers, as well as emergency, sanitation, wrecker, and utility service workers are needlessly injured or killed along Florida’s roadways,” said Chief Kenneth Albano, Temple Terrace Police Department
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) has made January Move Over Awareness Month. This law orders drivers to move over for emergency vehicles stopped on the side of the road. If drivers cannot move over, they must slow to a speed that is 20 miles per hour less than the posted speed limit.
[Source WFLA]