Woodpecker Hilariously Takes A Liking To Person’s Doorbell
Watch a woodpecker keep ringing a doorbell! (Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)
A woodpecker in Montana hilariously took a liking to someone’s doorbell! Well, one man’s “hilariously” is another man’s “annoyingly.” It all depends on your perspective and whose doorbell it is. Judging by the video, this woodpecker really likes this doorbell.
Check out the viral video below! Thankfully, this isn’t happening at your house.
Watch A Woodpecker Continuously Ring A Doorbell
This is another news story coming out of Montana! This time, it’s all about a woodpecker who won’t stop ringing a doorbell. We’ve talked about ding-dong-ditching many times on Dave & Chuck The Freak. Recently, we talked about a guy who shot at people ding-dong-ditching his house! There’s also the doorbell that can shoot paintballs that we discussed this week. Ringing a doorbell is incredibly annoying and irritating. Honestly, anytime someone rings the doorbell it’s inconvenient even if they stay and want to talk to you. That could actually be even worse than getting ding-dong-ditched!
Imagine how you’d feel if a bird wouldn’t stop ringing your doorbell. It just kept doing it over and over. I’m sure it would be cute and funny at first. Eventually, you’d be driven mad!
Clearly, the bird must think there’s some sort of food in there. I can see how it would resemble the type of hole those birds are accustomed to going to and getting fed out of. So, it must be trying very hard to get to the food and nourishment it knows must be there somewhere. However, there is not but that didn’t stop the bird from giving it 100% effort.
ViralHog shared the video on YouTube and now it’s being shared all over the world. At least the people found it funny enough to get out their phones and record. You can watch the video below! Maybe only one time, though, because it would definitely get annoying after a while! See for yourself!
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7 Of The Wildest Animals Caught On Tape Stories From Dave & Chuck The Freak
We talk about all sorts of wild topics on Dave & Chuck “The Freak.” There are wild crimes, wild people, and wild animals. Now, we’re going to focus on the wild animals and headlines they’ve made. Here are 7 of the wildest animals caught on tape stories heard on Dave & Chuck “The Freak!”
Animals are marvelous to watch. Sometimes it’s for their beauty, often it’s for their mystery, and then there are times that animals are absolutely wilding out. These are those types of stories! Let’s dive in!
7 Wildest Animals Caught On Tape Stories From Dave & Chuck The Freak
First, it’s not always the predators that are behaving in ways that end up in the news. It can be the smallest and most innocent of animals…or, sure, it could be a violent predator. Sometimes, the animals are behaving a specific way completely unprovoked, other times they’re responding to something a person has done. If you mess around with wild animals, there’s a good chance you’re going to find out why that’s a terrible idea.
Typically, these kinds of endings can be avoided. A good way to not end up the star of a news story alongside a wild animal? Keep a safe distance. You’ll notice in most of these stories and videos, the problems could have been avoided if people just used a little bit of common sense. Don’t antagonize wild animals and be careful if you’re close to the animal. Especially if it’s significantly bigger than you!
Below, we’ve put together 7 of the wildest animal stories shared on Dave & Chuck “The Freak.” However, you can find many more at DaveAndChuckTheFreak.com or by listening to the podcast! In these stories, we’ll come across a wide variety of animals. Some of them can only be found far, far away. Most can be found somewhere in North America. While others could be right in our backyard. Or, already in the house! There’s even an animal that’s a repeat offender, and you’d never guess which animal it is! Find out below!
Cort Freeman was born and raised in Metro Detroit. He was named Clarkston High School 2009 Class Clown 13 years after graduating. Totally normal thing to happen. That’s thanks to his time spent as an Intern at Comedy Central and Social Media Correspondent for The Colbert Report. Cort has done comedy across the country, both standing up and sitting down. When he’s not trying to make you laugh on-air and online, he’s probably at home enjoying his favorite shows like Seinfeld, South Park, and The Office. He’s also totally uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. Cort enjoys writing about comedy, food, sports, and entertainment. So, basically anything and everything.