Egg-Centric Fantasy Football Loser Punishment
If you participate in fantasy football that means you’re in one of three boats right now. You’re either playing in the finals, you’ve been eliminated all together or…you might or have finished dead last. In some leagues, the team that finishes last has to do some silly or outrageous thing as punishment. Do you think you could handle this egg-centric fantasy football loser punishment?
Egg-Centric Fantasy Football Loser Punishment
TikTok user @cohen489 has a video going viral for her question about eggs. She mentions that a guy she dated took part in a fantasy football league. He was the loser the year prior and she was shocked by the punishment for finishing last. The loser had to eat as many eggs as years they had on Earth in a waking day. All the participants were in their late-20’s or early-30’s and she said that seemed harder than it sounds. But, upon asking her male friend’s if they could eat their age in eggs in a waking day, she was surprised to hear how many of them said it was easy! She went to TikTok to pose the question and even suggests that women ask their men about it.
Fantasy Football Punishments
Fantasy Football punishments have been around for decades but the popular TV show ‘The League’ definitely helped in it’s rising usage. The folks at put together an all-encompassing list of potential fantasy football punishments for the person who finishes last in your league. Public shame, like going into a restaurant and spending 24 hours inside. Tattoos, the actual tattoo you would get is individualized by league obviously. A few more highlights are performing a stand-up set, a social media takeover, or being forced to make a TikTok dance video.
Good luck!
To those in the finals good luck. To those who have finished last, sorry not sorry. Good luck performing whatever embarrassing punishment that has been given you! And, if your league doesn’t have one, be thankful!