ANTALYA, TURKEY - JANUARY 04: Cockatiels are seen at Antalya Zoo hosting 1,500 animals from 135 different species and 185 parrots from 15 species, in Antalya, Turkey on January 4, 2021. Parrots taken from different zoos and brought to the country illegally or seized by the relevant institutions because they do not have a certificate also live in the zoo. (Photo by Mustafa Ciftci/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
If you haven’t seen this, it’s been making the rounds again on Twitter. It’s somebody’s pet cockatiel showing off some mad beatboxing skills.
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Everyone knows that Chuck the Freak loves a Dairy Queen Blizzard, but if there is one thing that he LOVES just as much, it’s greased up hunks joshing around in the wrestling ring!
With WWE SummerSlam coming to Detroit this August, the Freak himself took sometime to reminisce about some of his favorite entrances wrestlers made into the ring. Now we’re not talking just entrance music, we’re talking the entire moment. The music, the crowd, all of it!
Some make the list because of the pop the crowd gave them, others just hold a special spot that is near and dear to his heart, and some are just plain really f**king cool. This one below is obviously Chucks favorite entrance of all time (it was made while he was going through a cowboy phase…)
Keep scrolling to see how his favorite pro’s do it! What are some of your favorite professional wrestler entrances?