02 September 2022, Berlin: A garden sauna that stays off to save gas is seen at Vabali Spa Berlin before opening. (to dpa "Saunas fight against high energy prices") Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa (Photo by Christoph Soeder/picture alliance via Getty Images)
A man in Germany was in court for stabbing his friend 11 times after his friend mocked the size of his dong while in a sauna. The two men had been drinking before entering the sauna and turning the relaxing time into a crime scene. He was given a suspended sentence and had to pay damages to the man he stabbed.
Music videos are a very unique art form, but let’s face it: Not all music videos were created equal. In fact, some of them just leave us asking, “What did I just watch?!”
Here are just nine music videos with strange plots that make no sense. Enjoy or feel free to scratch your head along with us.