Pepsi Wants You to Try “Pilk” (Pepsi + Milk)
Pepsi wants you to try “PILK” for the holidays . . . Pepsi mixed with MILK!
If you post a photo of yourself enjoying some “Pilk and cookies” on social media, you could win $1,000 in holiday cash.
Pepsi’s chief marketing officer, claims “Combining Pepsi and milk has long been a secret hack among Pepsi fans.” There is a rise in the ‘dirty soda’ trend on TikTok (dirty soda combines soda with syrup and cream) and Pepsi felt like Pilk and Cookies would be a great way to combine that trend and also celebrate the holidays.
James Ranks His Favorite Breakfast (Soda) Pops
Most people will probably tell you their favorite thing to drink in the morning is coffee. Not this (soda) pop-a-holic morning radio “professional”!
The first thing to address is that sweet carbonated liquid is called POP! At least in the D&CtF home stomping grounds, so if you refer to it as soda, soda pop, or coke, just use the word you prefer.
When there are no energy drinks available in the morning I prefer to get my day started with a delicious citrusy flavored pop. What separates a “breakfast” pop from any other?
To me fruity and citrus flavors make it “breakfast” like a big glass of carbonated Froot Loops or orange juice. Now I’m not saying you can’t drink other pops for breakfast, just that these are MY favorite “breakfast” pops.