Junk Food Round-up: Pumpkin Spice Mac and Cheese & Pretzels in Reeses Cups?
Here’s more proof brands can . . . and will . . . add pumpkin spice to EVERYTHING.
Kraft just created a pumpkin spice version of their famous mac and cheese. But . . . it’s only going to be in Canada, and they’re only making 1,000 boxes to We’re whipping up some new KD, and it’s no basic batch. There’s only 1000. Sign up to claim yours at https://t.co/R14oHhc8Ab pic.twitter.com/cXcjovsbYs
Reese’s announced they’re launching a new peanut butter cup with pieces of pretzels mixed in. Last week, they announced they were releasing peanut butter cups with pieces of chips mixed in.