Straight Men Need This Many Drinks To Have Sex With A Man
You’re drunk. You’re Horny. You’re straight. You also struck out all night with the ladies, but you continued to stay at the bar and drink. How many drinks do you think it would take before another man might started looking good to you?
Listen, you’re (presumably) sober now as you read this and are probably thinking, “There is no number of drinks that would get me to go home with another dude.” Science disagrees and puts the number at around ten drinks.
To figure this out, researchers went to where the action was. A hoppin’ neighborhood with loads of bars in a Midwestern town in somewhere U.S.A. (a town that will remain anonymous). They recruited straight men with glazed eyes, stumbling out of bars between 10pm and 1am. Then, they had the study participants watch videos of attractive people, being attractive, and flirting with the bartender. Participants were asked a series of questions about what they were willing to do, romantically and sexually with the attractive person they saw in the video.
Some men watched a hot chick at the bar while others watched a hot dude in the video. The first few questions were easy like, “Would you buy the person in the video a drink?” But then the questions got racier and sexier, all the while plying these guys with more alcohol. When the question became, “Would you have sex with the person in the video?” The researchers found that the more drinks the straight men in their study consumed, the more likely they were to say, “Sure, I’d have sex with that guy.” Specifically, subjects were more willing to have a same-sex experience and were DTF by around ten drinks.
In their study, published in The Journal of Social Psychology, the researchers said, “Most notably, alcohol intake was related to increased sexual willingness of men with a same-sex partner, suggesting a potential shift in normative casual sexual behavior among heterosexual men.”
As to why men in their study were more willing to have a same-sex experience, the researchers said that it’s one of two things or both. One is obvious and that alcohol lowers inhibitions to the point where a person could behave out of character. Two, and this is the more likely, we’re living in a time where people are more open sexually, are bisexual, bicurious or just more comfortable with the idea that attraction is attraction and you might be attracted to someone of the same gender without it having anything to do with your sexual identity.
In other words, gender and sexual fluidity is everywhere without judgement. It’s ok. You do you!