Florida Men Arrested For Stealing Hellcats
You’ve seen the TV commercials featuring roaring supercharged engines and smoking tires. With 710 horsepower, the Hellcat is a very bad kitty. It’s also quite desirable. And now, thieves are stealing them at an alarming rate. A theft ring right here in Florida has specialized in Hellcats for quite a while now, and they have concocted a brilliant way to acquire the performance cars with very little effort or risk. The procedure goes like this. Once the thieves find a Hellcat, they use a high-tech gadget that tells your car’s computer that the proper key is in the vicinity. Then, the thief simply walks up to your car, hops in it, fires it up and drives it off. But police think they have captured two of the bigger players in the Hellcat theft business. They say Victor Caceres and Sire Reffner are now in custody and face grand theft auto charges after the recovery of a 2018 Dodge Hellcat. The case broke wide-open by chance. An off-duty officer was driving along when he saw a Hellcat sitting on the side of a street. Following a hunch, he checked the tag on the car and it came back as stolen. Police immediately started to surveil the car. When two men approached the Hellcat, got in and drove off, police followed them, eventually pulling them over and arresting them. One man gave up without incident and the other gave officers a brief foot chase, but surrendered after just a few blocks. Both were arrested and charged with the theft and an additional charge for having a 9mm pistol in the car. Police say their are ways to protect your Hellcat, even in the presence of the high-tech car theft gadget. They say the old standby, The Club, still works very well. They also say signal blockers are effective. Even GPS transmitters are good for finding your car quickly if it is solen. Ask your dealer or search Google for the best solutions and pick the one you think is right for you. Finally, cops say to always lock your car and keep the key fob with you at all times. Source: WSVN.com
The Best Van Halen Songs RATED!
Van Halen: Their 30 Best Songs, Ranked
30. “Dirty Movies” – ‘Fair Warning’ (1981)
ShareOne thing that doesn’t get discussed enough about Van Halen is how funky they could be. This song, about a prom-queen-turned-porn-star, features one of Van Halen’s deepest grooves, courtesy of Michael Anthony and Alex Van Halen, but it’s Eddie’s evocative leads and riffing (along with Dave being Dave) that really makes the song work.
29. “Happy Trails” – ‘Diver Down’ (1982)
ShareA song by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans that Van Halen covered as a one minute long acapella jam for their most uneven album, this might not have ranked as one of their best songs before October 6, 2020. But if you were putting together your own Van Halen mix today, this would be a great final track, and it definitely sounds different now that Eddie is gone. It also showed that not only were the band members great instrumentalists, they were great vocalists as well.
28. “Ice Cream Man” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareLike all other hard rock bands from the ’60s and ‘70s, Van Halen was influenced by all forms of blues. But Van Halen had more fun with it than most, as evidenced here. Dave would play the acoustic guitar at the beginning of the song, starting it out solo, but the band kicked in and Eddie came in hot with one of his greatest solos. The end where Dave and Eddie are dueling with their instruments, is just a blast.
27. “Right Now” – ‘For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge’ (1991)
ShareIt’s difficult for a hard rock band to grow up and Van Halen were one of the few who were able to pull it off gracefully. Let’s be honest -- they wouldn’t have been able to do it without Sammy Hagar. But the band evolved as songwriters and players. This socially conscious song was built on an amazing Eddie Van Halen piano riff, but it also included one of his many incredible solos.
26. “Intruder/(Oh) Pretty Woman” – ‘Diver Down’ (1982)
ShareVan Halen were, of course, a great songwriting team, as this list attests to. But they were also amazing song interpreters. They kicked off their career with a supercharged version of the Kinks’ “You Really Got Me,” but their unexpected take on Roy Orbison’s “(Oh) Pretty Woman” is nearly as iconic.
25. “Finish What Ya Started” – OU812 (1988)
ShareWhen the Eddie Van Halen/Sammy Hagar team worked, it *really* worked. The two of them worked this song out on two guitars in the wee hours of the morning and it sounds like it. This song sounds unlike anything else VH ever did; Eddie’s playing, even without distortion, is fantastic.
24. “Little Dreamer” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareDavid Lee Roth reminds us that he can sing on this song, and his lyrics are a bit more empathetic than usual: “And then they went and they voted you/Least likely to succeed/I had to tell them baby you were armed with/All you'd need.” As flashy as Eddie could be, he knew how to let the song breathe; his playing during the verses dances around Roth’s narration. Of course, he also gets his time to shine on his wailing solo.
23. “Best Of Both Worlds” – ‘5150’ (1986)
Share‘5150,’ Van Halen’s first album with Sammy Hagar, made a strong case that the band’s second iteration would be as strong as the first, and this song was a big reason why. Eddie played a monster riff during the chorus, and his playing glided through the verses. And it’s one of Sammy’s best VH performances.
22. “Feel Your Love Tonight” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareAn ode to teenage horniness; as always, Eddie, Alex and Michael’s playing was great but the real star is the interplay of their backing vocals with Dave’s leads. As with “Happy Trails,” it makes a good case that Van Halen could have been a great doo-wop group in a different era.
21. “Summer Nights” – ‘5150’ (1986)
ShareWith the addition of Sammy Hagar, it was clear that Van Halen could do a lot more, stylistically, and they weren’t going to stick with just party jams. But they weren’t going to ditch them, either, as they pointed out with “Summer Nights.” And obviously, Eddie still had riffs for days.
20. “Atomic Punk” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
Share“I am the ruler of these nether worlds/The underground/On every wall and place my fearsome name is hear/Just look around, whoa yeee-ah!” It sounds like something Black Sabbath might have cooked up. The opening interplay between Eddie’s guitar scratching (reminiscent of “Voodoo Chile” by his idol Jimi Hendrix) and Alex’s cymbals is hair raising. Which Eddie Van Halen solo is the best one? Tough to say, but this one kind of defines “face-melting.”
19. “Dreams” – ‘5150’ (1986)
ShareAnother example of a Hagar-era classic that just wouldn’t have been possible with Van Halen’s original lineup. Here, it’s Sammy’s vocals that take center stage, but Eddie’s keyboards drive the song. Of course, Eddie steps away from the keys for a bit to blow our minds with a solo.
18. “So This Is Love?” – ‘Fair Warning’ (1981)
ShareGive the bass player some! This is one of Michael Anthony’s funkiest performances; it almost sounds like something a jazz or blues band could have done in a prohibition-era speakeasy, and you could certainly imagine Roth performing in those snarky vocals in a dark, seedy joint. It’s Eddie’s guitar and Alex’s drums that bring it to the ‘80s; of course, it still sounds amazing today, and it always will.
17. “Jamie’s Cryin’” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareRoth showed empathy for the lead character in “Little Dreamer,” and he also did it on “Jamie’s Cryin’.” “Now Jamie's been in love before/And she knows what love is for/It should mean, a little, a little more/Than one-night stands.” Of course, many of his songs actually were about one-night stands, but here he shows some feeling for the person on the other end of a tryst.
16. “Dance The Night Away” – ‘Van Halen II’ (1979)
ShareOne thing that set Van Halen apart from their rivals was their ability to write a perfect pop song, and a danceable one at that. Here’s another great example of Eddie Van Halen getting out of the way of the song.
15. “Panama” – ‘1984’ (1984)
ShareAfter hearing the lead single from ‘1984,’ “Jump,” fans might have worried that Van Halen was ditching hard rock. No such luck: this ode to fast cars was a guitar-driven masterpiece.
14. “I’m The One” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareMore than forty years later, this song is still mindblowing; at parts, it’s nearly as fast as speed metal, at other parts it sounds like cabaret. And they slip into doo-wop/acapella mode for good measure, just to show you that they can do it. One of the most underrated songs in the VH catalog.
13. “Somebody Get Me A Doctor” – ‘Van Halen II’ (1979)
ShareThe “woo-woo!” at 1:24, going into Eddie’s solo is perfect, as is Eddie guitar fill at 2:09. You can hear how much fun they’re having here and it’s infectious.
12. “Hot For Teacher” – ‘1984’ (1984)
ShareAlex Van Halen is the star here; his drumming on this song is as iconic and instantly recognizable as any of Eddie’s guitar work. Of course, Eddie’s guitar here is stellar. Even though it was their last album with David Lee Roth (for a few decades), they were firing on all cylinders And not only on the song but on the video, which was their last with Roth and certainly their best.
11. “Everybody Wants Some!!” – ‘Women And Children First’ (1980)
ShareNow, sure...we just gushed about Alex Van Halen’s drumming in the previous entry, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t do the same on “Everybody Wants Some!!” While not as frenetic as “Hot For Teacher,” the lengthy drum intro on “Everybody Wants Some!!” is just as infectious, as is its chorus.
10. “Little Guitars (Intro)/Little Guitars” – ‘Diver Down’ (1982)
Share‘Diver Down’ is generally thought of as the most uneven of the first six Van Halen albums, but most other bands would kill for an album that good. “Little Guitars” is the best original on the album; Eddie’s acoustic intro is even more intense than “Spanish Fly” (from ‘Van Halen II’) and “Little Guitars” itself is one of the band’s most joyful songs. Eddie’s riff almost seems to be bouncing around during the song.
9. “1984/Jump” – ‘1984’ (1984)
ShareVan Halen’s lone number one hit is, of course, the synth-heavy “Jump,” because irony is just funny like that sometimes.
8. “On Fire” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareClosing out Van Halen’s self-titled debut, “On Fire” sends listeners out on a hard rock high note (literally) with DLR and Michael Anthony’s wails of “I’m on fire!” It’s the type of closer that immediately just makes you want to start an album from track one again and go for another ride.
7. “Unchained” – ‘Fair Warning’ (1981)
ShareTake a look at this! Some songs are just tailor-made to be performed in massive arenas, and “Unchained” is one of them. From the chugging opening riff to the group vocal on the chorus, “what a rocker” this song is!
6. “You Really Got Me” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareVan Halen had a way with covers and really had a knack for putting their own spin on classics, especially a rock standard like “You Really Got Me.” It’s undoubtedly VH’s best cover and can easily stand up to the original by the Kinks. Of course, it didn’t hurt to have a lead in like “Eruption” either.
5. “Mean Street” – ‘Fair Warning’ (1981)
ShareServing as the opening track on Van Halen’s fourth studio album, “Mean Street” is a unique standout not just on the LP but in the band’s entire catalog. Dave, Eddie, Michael and Alex all shine on this track, and it’s a shared spotlight that’s hard to ignore.
4. “Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareThe final single from Van Halen’s stellar debut album, “Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love” remains a mainstay of rock radio over four decades after its initial release. It’s easy to understand why with its brash chorus and ridiculously memorable lines like “You know you're semi-good lookin'/And on the streets again.” Oh, and that opening riff is just killer.
3. “And The Cradle Will Rock…” – ‘Women And Children First’ (1980)
Share“Have you seen Junior's grades?” More than just a little tongue in cheek lyrically, “And the Cradle Will Rock…” famously gave fans the first taste of Eddie Van Halen dabbling with keyboards, without taking away from his guitar. That sure had some decent returns down the line!
2. “Eruption” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareIn 1:42 and only the second track into Van Halen’s debut album, Eddie Van Halen cemented his status as a guitar god, and there was no turning back. “Eruption” is so ingrained in rock culture now it’s almost difficult to think of a time without it. It’s the solo that inspired countless people to pick up a guitar; it also caused thousands of six-stringers to sit dumbfounded, trying to figure out how EVH played the damn thing in the first place. Perhaps, it’s both.
1. “Runnin’ With The Devil” – ‘Van Halen’ (1978)
ShareOut the gate, Van Halen just weren’t messing around. They were young, hungry and with a mission statement like “Runnin’ With The Devil,” they told you who they were right away. When you’re “livin' at a pace that kills,” there isn’t time for pleasantries. In a debate on the best opening track from a debut album ever, “Runnin’ With The Devil” is always part of the conversation, and it may well be the greatest. In the case of this list, we think it’s Van Halen’s best song ever. Simply put, this song is perfect, even when you isolate DLR’s vocals.
60 Years Of Mick Jagger On Stage!
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share1982: Mick Jagger, the lead singer of The Rolling Stones in concert at Bristol. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share1982: Mick Jagger, the lead singer of The Rolling Stones during a concert at Bristol. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share5th July 1969: Vocalist Mick Jagger and guitarist Mick Taylor in concert with the Rolling Stones in London's Hyde Park. The free outdoor concert was a tribute to recently deceased band member Brian Jones. (Photo by Reg Burkett/Express/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareJanuary 1965: A Rolling Stones concert with singer, Mick Jagger in the spotlight and guitarist Brian Jones (1942 - 1969) on the right. (Photo by Keystone Features/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share21st August 1976: The Rolling Stones headline the Knebworth Festival. Left to right: percussionist Ollie Brown, singer Mick Jagger and guitarist Keith Richards. (Photo by Graham Wood/Evening Standard/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share22nd May 1976: Mick Jagger of British rock group the Rolling Stones on stage at London's Earl's Court, where the band performed for ninety minutes to an audience of 17, 000 fans. (Photo by Gary Merrin/Keystone/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share25th May 1976: Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger during a concert in 1976. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share15th March 1971: Mick Jagger, singer with British rock group the Rolling Stones, in action during a live performance. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share1st December 1976: Mick Jagger, singer with the rock band the Rolling Stones performs live on an open-air stage. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share5th July 1969: British rock singer Mick Jagger, performing with The Rolling Stones, at the free open-air concert in Hyde Park given in memory of guitarist Brian Jones who died two days earlier. (Photo by Reg Burkett/Express/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share21st December 1969: Singer Mick Jagger of British rock group the Rolling Stones on stage at London's Lyceum Ballroom. (Photo by C. Maher/Express/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share21st August 1976: Singer Mick Jagger on stage with The Rolling Stones as the group headlines the Knebworth Festival. (Photo by Graham Wood/Evening Standard/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger on stage with the Rolling Stones during their Australian tour, January 1965. (Photo by Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger of the The Rolling Stones pours a bucket of water over himself during a concert at Earl?s Court Arena, London, 22nd May 1976. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger (right) and Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones performing at Earl's Court, London, 25th May 1976. The concert was part of Wood's first tour as a member of the Stones. (Photo by John Minihan/Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger on stage with the Rolling Stones as they play the last date on their 1976 European tour at the Knebworth Fair festival, 21st August 1976. (Photo by Graham Wood/Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger performing with the Rolling Stones at Wembley, London, 10th September 1973. (Photo by Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareThe Rolling Stones headline the Knebworth Festival, 21st August 1976. Left to right: Keyboard player Billy Preston, Giuitarist Ron Wood, percussionist Ollie Brown, singer Mick Jagger and guitarist Keith Richards. (Photo by Graham Wood/Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger of the Rolling Stones performing at Earl's Court, London, 25th May 1976. Percussionist Ollie brown can be seen in the background. (Photo by John Minihan/Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareGuitarist Ron Wood and singer Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones performing at Knebworth, 21st August 1976. (Photo by Graham Wood/Evening Standard/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareGuitarist Ron Wood and singer Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones performing at Knebworth, 21st August 1976. (Photo by Graham Wood/Evening Standard/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger, singer of British rock group the Rolling Stones, performs on stage in June 1976. (Photo by Express/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share(left to right) Bass player Ronnie Wood, singer Mick Jagger, and guitarist Keith Richards of British rock group the Rolling Stones perform on stage in June 1976. (Photo by Express/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareSinger Mick Jagger holding a harmonica in his mouth during a concert by the Rolling Stones at the Empire Pool, Wembley, London, 9th September 1973. On the right is bassist Bill Wyman. (Photo by Larry Ellis/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger performing with the Rolling Stones at the Knebworth Festival, Hertfordshire, 21st August 1976. (Photo by Graham Wood/Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger and Keith Richards (left) performing with the Rolling Stones on the Eamonn Andrews TV show, 6th February 1967. (Photo by Larry Ellis/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareSinger Mick Jagger performing with The Rolling Stones on The Eamonn Andrews Show, UK, 5th February 1967. (Photo by Larry Ellis/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareEnglish rock band the Rolling Stones in concert in Madison Square Garden, New York City, 1975. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareEnglish singer Mick Jagger in concert with the Rolling Stones at Madison Square Garden, New York City, November 1981. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareSYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 22: (L-R) Members of the Rolling Stones, Ronnie Woods, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, perform live on stage at the Sydney Superdome February 22, 2003 in Sydney, Australia. The Rolling Stones will play in three major Australian cities as part of their 40 Licks World Tour 2003. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareSYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 22: (L-R) Members of the Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, perform live on stage at the Sydney Superdome February 22, 2003 in Sydney, Australia. The Rolling Stones will play in three major Australian cities as part of their 40 Licks World Tour 2003. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareSYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 22: Singer Mick Jagger, of the Rolling Stones, performs live on stage at the Sydney Superdome February 22, 2003 in Sydney, Australia. The Rolling Stones will play in three major Australian cities as part of their 40 Licks World Tour 2003. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMELBOURNE - FEBRUARY 25: Rolling Stones' singer Mick Jagger performs at the Rod Laver Arena February 25, 2003 in Melbourne, Australia. The Rolling Stones will play in three major Australian cities as part of their 40 Licks World Tour 2003. (Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMUNICH, GERMANY - JUNE 4: (UK PAPERS OUT) Singer Mick Jagger performs at the opening night of the European leg of The Rolling Stones Forty Licks Tour at the Olimpiahalle Spiridon June 4, 2003 in Munich, Germany. (Photo by Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMUNICH, GERMANY - JUNE 4: Singer Mick Jagger Performs at the opening night of the European leg of The Rolling Stones Forty Licks Tour at the Olimpiahalle Spiridon on June 4, 2003 in Munich, Germany. (Photo by Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMUNICH, GERMANY - JUNE 4: (UK PAPERS OUT) Singer Mick Jagger and Guitarist Ron Wood Perform at the opening night of the European leg of The Rolling Stones Forty Licks Tour at the Olimpiahalle Spiridon on June 4, 2003 in Munich, Germany. (Photo by Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareKeith Richards and Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones onstage performing at The Concert for New York City to benefit the victims of the World Trade Center disaster. October 20, 2001. Jagger will celebrate his 60th birthday on July 26, 2003 with a party in Prague, Czech Republic where the Rolling Stones are currently on tour. (Photo by Scott Gries/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger and Lenny Kravitz perform live at the My VH1 Music Awards 2001 held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, CA., Sunday, Dec. 2, 2001. Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger of The Rolling Stones onstage performing at The Concert for New York City to benefit the victims of the World Trade Center disaster. October 20, 2001 (Photo: Scott Gries/ImageDirect)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareNEW YORK - MAY 10: Mick Jagger (L) and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones perform onstage to announce a world tour at the Julliard Music School May 10, 2005 in New York City. (Photo by Scott Gries/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareNEW YORK - MAY 10: Mick Jagger (R) and Ron Wood of The Rolling Stones perform onstage during a press conference to announce a world tour at the Julliard Music School May 10, 2005 in New York City. ( Photo by Scott Gries/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareNEW YORK - MAY 10: Mick Jagger (R) and Ron Wood of The Rolling Stones perform onstage during a press conference to announce a world tour at the Julliard Music School May 10, 2005 in New York City. (Photo by Scott Gries/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareDETROIT - FEBRUARY 05: Lead singer Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones perform during the "Sprint Super Bowl XL Halftime Show" at Super Bowl XL between the Seattle Seahawks and the Pittsburgh Steelers at Ford Field on February 5, 2006 in Detroit, Michigan. (Photo by Jonathan Ferrey/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareDETROIT - FEBRUARY 05: The Rolling Stones perform during the "Sprint Super Bowl XL Halftime Show" at Super Bowl XL between the Seattle Seahawks and the Pittsburgh Steelers at Ford Field on February 5, 2006 in Detroit, Michigan. (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareDETROIT - FEBRUARY 05: (L-R) Ronnie Wood, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones perform during the "Sprint Super Bowl XL Halftime Show" at Super Bowl XL between the Seattle Seahawks and the Pittsburgh Steelers at Ford Field on February 5, 2006 in Detroit, Michigan. (Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareSAITAMA, JAPAN - APRIL 2: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs during a concert at Saitama Super Arena on April 2, 2006 in Saitama, Japan. The Rolling Stones are in Japan to play in 5 cities around the country as part of their Bigger Bang world tour. (Photo by Junko Kimura/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareSHANGHAI, CHINA - APRIL 08: Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones performs during their first-ever concert in mainland China at the 8,500-seat Shanghai Grand Stage on April 8, 2006 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Cancan Chu/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareAUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - APRIL 16: Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones performs during their concert at Western Springs April 16, 2006 in Auckland, New Zealand. (Photo by Jeff Brass/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareWELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND - APRIL 18: Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones performs during the "A Bigger Bang Tour" concert at the Westpac Stadium on April 18, 2006 in Wellington, New Zealand. (Photo by Marty Melville/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareBRUSSELS, BELGIUM - JUNE 01: (L-R) Ronnie Wood, Mick Jagger, Charlie Watts and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones perform during a dress rehearsal prior to the opening concert of the 2007 European leg of their 'A Bigger Bang' World Tour at the Videohouse on June 1, 2007 in Brussels, Belgium. This leg of the Tour begins on June 5 at Werchter Park, Belgium and is due to be completed in August in London, England. (Photo by Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareNEW YORK - OCTOBER 30: Bono of U2 and Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones perform onstage at the 25th Anniversary Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Concert at Madison Square Garden on October 30, 2009 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareNEW YORK - OCTOBER 30: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs onstage with U2 at the 25th Anniversary Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Concert at Madison Square Garden on October 30, 2009 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareMick Jagger of the Rolling Stones performs at halftime during Super Bowl XL between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Seattle Seahawks at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan on February 5, 2006. (Photo by A. Messerschmidt/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareLOS ANGELES, CA - FEBRUARY 13: Singer Mick Jagger performs onstage during the 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards held at Staples Center on February 13, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareLONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 25: (STRICTLY EDITORIAL USE ONLY) Ronnie Wood, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones perform live at 02 Arena on November 25, 2012 in London, England. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareLONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 25: (STRICTLY EDITORIAL USE ONLY) Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones perform live at 02 Arena on November 25, 2012 in London, England. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareNEW YORK, NY - DECEMBER 12: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs at "12-12-12" a concert benefiting The Robin Hood Relief Fund to aid the victims of Hurricane Sandy presented by Clear Channel Media & Entertainment, The Madison Square Garden Company and The Weinstein Company at Madison Square Garden on December 12, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images for Clear Channel)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareEnglish singer Mick Jagger in concert with the Rolling Stones at Wembley, London, 1982. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareEnglish singer Mick Jagger in concert with the Rolling Stones in Bristol, UK, 1982. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareLAS VEGAS, NV - MAY 11: In this handout image provided by The Rolling Stones, Katy Perry performs "Beast of Burden" onstage with Mick Jagger during The Rolling Stones "50 and Counting" tour on May 11, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by J. Bouquet/The Rolling Stones via Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareANAHEIM, CA - MAY 15: Musician John Mayer (L) performs with musician Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones onstage during the Rolling Stones '50 & Counting' tour at Honda Center on May 15, 2013 in Anaheim, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareANAHEIM, CA - MAY 15: (L-R) Musicians Ronnie Wood, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Charlie Watts of The Rolling Stones perform onstage during the Rolling Stones '50 & Counting' tour at Honda Center on May 15, 2013 in Anaheim, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareGLASTONBURY, ENGLAND - JUNE 29: Sir Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs on the Pyramid Stage during day 3 of the 2013 Glastonbury Festival at Worthy Farm on June 29, 2013 in Glastonbury, England. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareGLASTONBURY, ENGLAND - JUNE 29: (L-R) Ronnie Wood, Sir Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones performs on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury Festival 2013 on June 29, 2013 in Glastonbury, England. at the Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts site at Worthy Farm, Pilton on June 29, 2013 near Glastonbury, England. The wholesale market caters for traders throughout the Festival who are estimated to provide 3 million meals for festival-goers, crew and performers. Gates opened on Wednesday at the Somerset diary farm that will be playing host to one of the largest music festivals in the world and this year features headline acts Artic Monkeys, Mumford and Sons and the Rolling Stones. Tickets to the event which is now in its 43rd year sold out in minutes and that was before any of the headline acts had been confirmed. The festival, which started in 1970 when several hundred hippies paid 1 GBP to watch Marc Bolan, now attracts more than 175,000 people over five days. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareLONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 06: (L-R) Charlie Watts, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones performs live on stage during day two of British Summer Time Hyde Park presented by Barclaycard at Hyde Park on July 6, 2013 in London, England. (Photo by Simone Joyner/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareLONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 06: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs live on stage during day two of British Summer Time Hyde Park presented by Barclaycard at Hyde Park on July 6, 2013 in London, England. (Photo by Simone Joyner/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareLONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 06: Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones perform live on stage during day two of British Summer Time Hyde Park presented by Barclaycard at Hyde Park on July 6, 2013 in London, England. (Photo by Simone Joyner/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA - OCTOBER 25: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones perform live at Adelaide Oval on October 25, 2014 in Adelaide, Australia. (Photo by Morne de Klerk/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareINDIANAPOLIS, IN - JUL 04: Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones performs at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on July 4, 2015 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Michael Hickey/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareSANTIAGO, CHILE - FEBRUARY 03: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs live on stage during the America Latina Ole Tour 2016 at Estadio Nacional on February 03, 2016 in Santiago, Chile. (Photo by Carlos Muller/Getty Images for TDF Productions)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareINDIO, CA - OCTOBER 14: Singer Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones of The Rolling Stones performs during Desert Trip at the Empire Polo Field on October 14, 2016 in Indio, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareINDIO, CA - OCTOBER 14: Musician Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs onstage during Desert Trip at the Empire Polo Field on October 14, 2016 in Indio, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareDUBLIN, IRELAND - MAY 17: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs live on stage on the opening night of the european leg of their No Filter tour at Croke Park on May 17, 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareDUBLIN, IRELAND - MAY 17: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs live on stage on the opening night of the european leg of their No Filter tour at Croke Park on May 17, 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
ShareDUBLIN, IRELAND - MAY 17: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs live on stage on the opening night of the european leg of their No Filter tour at Croke Park on May 17, 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)
Mick Jagger: Performance Photos from Six Decades on Stage
Share1982: Mick Jagger, the lead singer of The Rolling Stones singing at Wembley Stadium. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)