You May Want To Disable FaceTime On Your Phone
If you use FaceTime, you may want to disable the app until there’s a fix for a newly discovered bug.
You can hear audio even before the caller answers the call! The caller’s audio and front-facing video is able to seen and heard by the recipient before accepting the call.
The phone and computer giant released a statement Monday saying they are aware of the problem and a software update will be coming next week.
iPhones and iPads running iOS 12.1 are affected, as well as PCs with macOS Mojave installed. The Group FaceTime feature seems to be the culprit, which Apple has disabled for users.
Read more about this HERE
The video below shows you how to disable FaceTime on your phone.
Rachel Pitts is a seasoned radio veteran with over 20 years of experience. She is the Digital Program Director for Beasley Media Group’s Philadelphia-based radio properties. As a content creator for Beasley Media Philadelphia, Rachel writes articles on family activites, culinary adventures and things to do in the Delaware Valley.