Chuck Loves Crazy
Chuck Loves This Crazy Lady Who Stabbed Her Boyfriend
It’s been said before that Chuck loves a crazy girl. If she’s a little messed up and could ruin his life, he’s in. You’d think that a woman who stabbed her boyfriend was off limits, but for Chuck, that just peaks his interest even more. Would you take the risk for this girl?
According to reports from KNN, “Los Angeles Police Department Wilshire Division units responded to reports of a stabbing in a vehicle near the intersection of Washington Boulevard and 5th Avenue in the Arlington Heights neighborhood of Central Los Angeles at 2:45 a.m. A female armed with a knife was sitting with her boyfriend in a black Mercedes when the incident occurred under unknown circumstances. An LAPD spokesperson told KNN that the female stabbed the male in the neck, and the female sustained a laceration to a finger.” The man was said to be in stable condition at the time.
Now, we don’t know this woman’s name or really anything about her. Only that she is attractive and stabbed her boyfriend for some unknown reason. Dave introduces her as a “crazy bitch”. As soon as her picture is displayed, even with all the information out there, Chuck says he likes her. Dave and Lisa immediately start laughing because they knew what he was going to say. It’s funny because it all happened organically and right on cue.
Andy agrees with Chuck. He says that if he was one of the responding officers, he’d be more worried about the unnamed woman than the victim. He’d be asking the guy who was just stabbed, to tell them what he did to her.
Love is crazy. That is for sure. Getting stabbed for love? Maybe a little extreme. But, we all choose our own path, so do what you’re gonna do!