Rat Crawls Out From Under A Car’s Hood And Jumps On A Guy
Imagine a raw crawling out from under a car’s hood and jumping onto you. It actually happened to one guy!
It was captured on video and now that video is naturally going viral. You would not want this to happen to you. It had no plans to go anywhere. He ended up having to get out of the car to get rid of it with his hand! Everything seemed to go wrong for him in this video. It’s one of those “better him than me” moments you’ll see online from time to time. Hopefully this isn’t a common problem.
Rat Crawls Out From Car In Viral Video
You can hear the panic in their voices when the rat crawls out of the car and onto the from of the vehicle. How did it get there? What’s it doing? There are so many questions and unfortunately very little answers right now. The video already has more than 29,000 views on YouTube and that number is sure to keep climbing. You can see the video shared by Steve Jetson on YouTube below. Hopefully this never happens to you on the roads.
That could end up being dangerous! Imagine if he had a severe fear of rats. It’s a common fear! Sure, they aren’t bees. But lots of people are still scared of rats and for good reason! Weren’t they allegedly responsible for the Black Plague? That was a pretty big deal and certainly shows how gross and disgusting they can be. You don’t want to mess with rats. You definitely don’t want them crawling out from somewhere in or under your car. Where did it come from? How did it get there? Is it alone? Maybe some answers are better left unanswered and unexplored. This might be one of those examples.
We talk all the time about the dangers of finding an insect or animal inside your car while you’re driving. What do you do? It would be incredibly hard not to panic! You don’t want to…but you do! If you panic you only increase your chances of getting hurt but it would also be really hard to just stay calm if there was a bee inside your vehicle. Thankfully, this rat wasn’t even inside the car and was on the outside–but it still caused problems. One has to imagine it would have been even worse if the rat was discovered inside the car. That would be a different issue entirely.