Dr. Dumblittle
Trying To Save An Injured Wild Rattlesnake Is Dumb
Trust no one, help no one. A message we have issued many a time. We didn’t realize we had to specify that includes wild animals. We think this guy from Connecticut should be called Dr. Dumblittle for trying to help an injured rattlesnake.
According to WFSB, a man in Connecticut was bit by a rattlesnake that he was trying to move off a busy road. The man was hospitalized and given anti-venom in order to save him from the poisonous bit he received to his hand.
His ex-wife is interviewed by the WFSB and she says that he’s an avid animal lover. He’s apparently had encounters with bats, and even saved a baby bunny just weeks prior. So no one in his life is surprised that he’d do something like this for a snake.
First, we all can’t believe someone would try to save a rattlesnake from a road. Most people would just keep on driving and if unfortunately they hit it, so be it. This guy is different and obviously wasn’t going to let this rattlesnake fall victim to a driver.
Once we hear from his ex-wife, Lisa can’t contain her laughter at what she’s saying. Basically, she isn’t surprised by the man’s behavior and you can tell she thinks he’s pretty dumb for doing it. And, we even make the comment that maybe that’s a reason why they are exes. We also point out how she wasted no time getting on the news to sort of blast her ex.
All jokes aside, we are glad the man is recovering and okay in the end. We’d hope that he learned his lesson but it sounds like from the reports, this man will undoubtedly be back in the wild trying to save injured animals. Let’s hope the dumb choices don’t cost him his life.