Stella Hates Dave?
Why Is Chuck’s Daughter Stella Mad At Dave?
The show started today talking about the future and how people are afraid that if they speak poorly to A.I., it might remember them. Chuck started to tell a story about Stella and mentions to Dave that she is mad at him right now. Dave puts the segment on hold to find out what he could have possibly done.
After the show yesterday, Dave and Chuck filmed a promo that is going to be used at a local theater chain. It turns out, that theater chain is one that Chuck’s daughter Stella frequents. It’s also located in the big mall by their house. When Stella found this out, she was angry and wanted to speak with Dave immediately to verify it was true.
Dave doesn’t see what the big deal is, but Lisa can feel her pain. As a teenage girl, the last thing you’d want to see every time you went to the movies with your friends is your dad ‘yucking’ it up. Chuck agrees and even says he was ‘yucking’ it up like crazy in the video being a “funny guy” like he always is on the show.
Chuck has talked before in the past how Stella can be as diabolical as he is. You can see on Dave’s face that he is scared of getting on Stella’s bad side. Chuck says many times he needs to get the deal cancelled because of the embarrassment he now realizes he might cause his daughter.
Have your parents embarrassed you? If you have a story about it we’d love for you to share. Email us at
Chuck makes a note of his “tasting boy” in the ‘Peep Show’. This is in reference an Egg Nog taste taste filmed years ago. Chuck doesn’t drink Egg Nog, so he had Will, who is a digital content producer at the station, taste it for him and was referred to as the ‘tasting boy’. See that here if you like for reference.