Ex-Girlfriend Attacks
An ex-girlfriend went all out to get revenge on her old boyfriend. The news report matched her energy, too.
Everyone has a crazy ex. It might be a crazy ex-girlfriend or a crazy ex-boyfriend, nobody is immune from getting a little off the rails. This ex-girlfriend is now going viral after she hit her boyfriend with her car along with some other stuff. The news report was able to capture that crazy energy with a wild introduction to the segment and the reporter was ready to show what happened with a little tutorial. It was certainly a unique report. Dave & Chuck The Freak talked about it and couldn’t believe the damage that was done to her car. How fast did she hit him? Watch them talk about it in the daily Peep Show below!
Ex-Girlfriend Attacks
That special news effect was ready as soon as he said “shattered” the fake glass shattered as well. It’s very confusing because it’s like a bullet hole and definitely looks that way but there were no guns involved in the case. It was just the news station doing a little bit extra when they really didn’t have to.
Not only was the introduction and the story itself crazy…but the report was kind of head scratching too. Why did the reporter have to show all of that on a car? Does she not know what mustard can do to paint? It can completely remove it! That little protective layer is not enough to make me feel comfortable. I know I would not lend my car to that experiment. Also, maybe give your reporter a mic? That might help the news report be a little better. Pretty important to have good audio. You’re using professional cameras and wouldn’t go out there with an iPhone, maybe you should mic up your reporters especially when you’re inside a building like that with all the echoes. C’mon!
You can see the YouTube video below.