This Is Why You Should Never Ask A Plastic Surgeon What They’d Change About Your Face
Pro-Tip: never ask a plastic surgeon what they’d change about your face. You won’t like what you hear and it’ll make you self conscious.
If you ask a plastic surgeon, whose job it is to change the way people look to make them feel better about themselves, what they’d change about your face they are going to have an answer. You could be a client you pays them a lot of money! They’re not just going to tell you that you’re beautiful and they wouldn’t change a thing. They’re going to give you a real answer, and you might not be ready to hear it. A comedian recently asked a plastic surgeon what he’d change about his face, and he was not expecting to hear all of that.
Don’t Ask A Plastic Surgeon What They’d Change On Your Face
J.T. Parr is a comedian who is going viral on TikTok for asking a plastic surgeon what he’d change about his face. His response? Well, it was basically 60 seconds of just insults. If you have low self esteem, this is not the question you want to ask. Few people would be ready to hear this.
Check out the advice the doctor gave the comedian in the TikTok video below. Do you think you could handle having a professional point out all the flaws and things they’d change on you that would allegedly make you more pleasant to look at? I don’t think I could handle hearing it. What if they point out something I’ve never realized or thought about before? You could leave there an absolute mess mentally (and many people do)!
First, she starts by telling him he’s cute. Not that he isn’t! But, c’mon! Then, she goes on to point out all of the (many) flaws she notices on his face. Those flaws include wrinkles, furrows between his brows, his sunken eyelids, crooked teeth, lots of pores, jawline, and neck–but she did point out he has nice brows before saying she could do more to make them look more powerful and less innocent. That was a lot to hear in a short amount of time. She held nothing back and clearly there was nothing she wasn’t willing to take on. Now, he’s a comedian and was likely ready for all of this as that’s part of the joke. However, not everyone who goes in there is a professional joke maker and they are not as ready to hear all of these flaws. This is the exact kind of thing they are hearing in their consultations and explains why so many people are turning to plastic surgery.
How would you feel if you were told all of that? Do you think you could ever ask a professional what they would change about your face? While it might be interesting to hear, it would definitely sting and might be hard to get over! You have to make sure you’re ready before you ask that loaded question.