Plastic Surgery Clinic In Turkey Goes Viral For Unbelievable Before And After Photos
A plastic surgery clinic in Turkey is going viral for unbelievable before and after photos! Are these even the same people?
There are many plastic surgery clinics in Turkey, it’s a big deal over there. However, only one plastic surgery clinic in Turkey is going viral for crazy before and after photos of their work. Check out more below!
Plastic Surgery Clinic In Turkey Going Viral
This plastic surgery clinic in Istanbul is getting a lot of attention online because the crazy before and after photos of their procedures almost seem like they can be totally different people! Typically, you can tell when someone has had some work done. It’s hard to hide it. However, very rarely do you come out of plastic surgery looking like a completely different person! A different nose? Sure. However, this is very unique. Can it be real? There’s just no way!
According to Oddity Central, the Este Med Clinic shared photos recently of a patient identified as Michael. In the after photos, Michael is shown as an attractive man who could be in his early 40s. He looks like James Franco a little bit. He’s an attractive dude. Then, you see the before photos and you’re shocked. In that picture, Michael looks like he’s probably 70 years-old, chubby, and balding. Now, after a lot of plastic surgery, he’s got facial hair, a thick head of hair, and seems to be decades younger. How did they do that?
The internet is saying they need to see DNA, blood, and any sample they can to prove that these two pictures are of the same man. People are refusing to believe it, and rightfully so. In an Instagram post, Este Med claims Michael had gone through several surgeries to achieve this unbelievable transformation including: a facelift, neck lift, lower eyelid blepharoplasty, upper blepharoplasty, buccal fat removal, rhinoplasty, and a hair transplant, per Oddity Central. Okay, what didn’t he have done? That’s a long list and had to have cost a ton of money. However, you can’t say it’s not worth it! They took, like, 3 decades off of his appearance! It’s truly unbelievable. Is this just some sort of trick advertising? Could this actually be real?
Check out a picture from a screenshot of their Instagram shared on Oddity Central below!