What Are Flex Lanes On Florida Highways
Something that you may not have heard of is flex lanes on Florida highways. So what are flex lanes and where are they coming to in Florida? Flex lanes will allow drivers to use the shoulder of the road to pass other cars. The reason for these flex lanes are to help with traffic jams as drivers can pass crashes when flex lanes on Florida highways are open. The flex lanes are expected to launch in the summer of 2024.
On Central Florida Expressway Authority’s website, they talk about the flex lanes. They say, “These innovative lanes use a wider median shoulder to allow traffic to continue flowing when an incident causes a closure in one or more of the right lanes. If a serious crash slows traffic, the flex lane will open to get traffic safely past the crash at a reduced speed.”
Where Will The Flex Lanes On Florida Highways Be?
So, will these new flex lanes be available on Tampa Bay roadways? Well, they won’t to start with. They will be testing these new flex lanes on Florida highways in the Orlando area. One is being tested on John Young Parkway and International Drive along State Road 417. It will also be on State Road 429 between Tilden Road and State Road 414.
Now, there is a fine if you ignore when the flex lanes on Florida highways when they are activated. If you get caught, you can face a $164 fine and points on your license. It will be pretty obvious when the flex lanes will be open or closed. Green will mean go. Yellow means caution. Red means be alert and stop.
You can see in the image below where these flex lanes in the Orlando area will be.