Tampa WingHouse Shutdown 3rd Time This Month For Rodents
One of the most popular Tampa WingHouse Bar & Grill restaurant locations closed down for the third time in March because of a failed health inspection. According to reports, the WingHouse located at 3712 W Columbus Dr, Tampa needed to be shut down for a rodent problem. After pulling the public health inspection records, we were left in shock. Apparently, this location has been shut down several times this year because of rodents, insects, and temperature control issues. As of April 1st, this location has passed their re-evaluation and is open for business again.
Tampa WingHouse Shutdown For Rodent And Insect Problems:
According to the report, not every issue that was listed was considered a high priority. Some were listed as ‘basic’ after reviewing the report posted on the public health inspector site. After combing through several reports on this specific location, this is what we found from the March 13, 2024 inspection. The problems are split up into ‘Basic’ and ‘High Priority’ categories. High-priority violations are those that could contribute directly to a foodborne illness or injury. It could potentially include items such as cooking, reheating, and cooling. Basic violations are considered best practices. Most establishments correct all violations in a timely manner and once the health inspector comes back things are corrected.
Please note that some more recent, follow-up inspections may not be included here. Read below to see what the health inspector found at this WingHouse location. This is what was found on the March 13, 2024, inspection that made the restaurant shut down. You can also read the entire inspection here.
Basic Issues:
- Employee beverage container on a food prep area
- Employee eating wings in the back kitchen
- Bug zapper installed over the food prep area
High Priority Issues:
- 1 live rodent eating food across from the mop sink
- Small flying insects in kitchen, food prep area, food storage area
- Rodent activity present, rodent droppings found (30 rodent droppings on the floor)
- Stop Sale issued for temperature abuse
- Time/temperature control for safety food
Here Are The Cheapest Places To Eat In The Tampa Bay Area
Let’s be real, inflation has hit us all. And between working more hours, and the cost of food/living, sometimes you don’t have it in you to cook a whole meal. We saw a recent thread on Reddit about the cheapest places to eat in the Tampa Bay area. We thought we would share the 5 best options.
Shoutout to the Reddit user fabricbandaids who asked this question a few days ago. The thread has over 150 comments with many options on where to find cheap meals or restaurants. Someone suggested buying a whole pub sub on sale with instructions to leave it uncut. When you get home cut it into 3-4 portions instead. Or you can politely ask to get your veggies in a bag, and they can be used to cook a meal later on. Keep in mind you’re still paying about $8 for the sub. Remember when a pub sub sale meant it was $5.99? Those were the good days.
Another tip that was suggested is to take advantage of the BOGO deals on Uber Eats. Bonus if you have a Capitol One credit card, you get a free Uber Eats subscription (which means no delivery fee), 10% cash back, and 40% off coupons regularly. You can also try downloading the Too Good To Go app for some amazing deals!
Cooking At Home vs. Going Out
Obviously one of the best ways to save money for your meals is to cook at home. Many Reddit users say they saved a bunch on Kroger delivery rather than shopping at Publix. Personally, I do all my shopping at Aldi and Costco. This brings us to that classic $1.50 hot dog and soda meal and $5 rotisserie chicken, you can’t beat that deal. According to U.S. News, it is “hands down” cheaper to cook at home rather than seek out fast food. But it’s all about how you shop. Make sure you only buy perishables that you have plans for, buy fruits only in season, or frozen fruits/veggies, and don’t stray away from store brands.
Here Are The Cheapest Places To Eat In The Tampa Bay Area
Meredith’s outgoing personality has led to many other opportunities including being featured in the NY Post twice, Huffington Post, reality television shows, commercials, and magazines, and even earned a spot-on Dancing with the Stars Tampa edition. In her spare time, Meredith loves showing her support with local charities by hosting and attending community events and spending time with her family and friends. You can read Meredith’s content about local Tampa restaurants, crazy Florida man/woman stories, and recommendations of things-to-do.