An X-Rated Halloween Display Across From Elementary School Caused Outrage
A Halloween display across from a school has been deemed “lewd” by members of the Lakewood, Washington community, and its creators are fighting back.
According to a report, the display, which is across from Idlewild Elementary, features skeletons in various sexual positions. Parents and the school have taken steps to have the homeowner responsible take down the decorations, but the unnamed homeowner won’t budge…and has even posted a sign reading, “Dear Karen. Challenge accepted! Next time, try being polite!”
The school has since put up privacy fencing in an attempt to block the kids’ view of the display.
Lewd Halloween Display Outside School In Washington
I’m surprised they haven’t been able to remove the skeletons, yet. I always thought different rules apply when you live a certain distance from a school. I’ve seen signs for drug free zones or tobacco free zones. However, I’ve never seen a sign signaling a lewd display free zone. One has to imagine there’s some kind of protocol or something that would give the school some permission here. Doesn’t look like it, though!
Where’s The Display Now?
However, what the school isn’t capable of doing, others may take upon themselves. It looks they have. According to KIRO 7, the display has been stolen. No word on who took the display, or if the school had anything to do with it. However, for now their problem has been solved. At least, until it pops up at the middle school or high school in the area.
If it was, indeed, stolen you have to wonder what’s next? Will the display pop up at another school? There’s a chance it could show up on someone’s lawn. Or it could already be thrown away and gone forever, never to return. Hopefully, it’s still in tact and can be located. I’d love to hear the story behind it and know the details behind the missing display. You don’t think…it could have came alive and moved itself? No…no way.
For now, the town can rest. The school children no longer have to see the display. However, I do wonder what the guy whose display it was is going to do. Sure, most of the town was bothered by his display. However, now a crime has been committed. Is the town and law enforcement now responsible for tracking down the display and putting it back up? So many questions! I hope we get answers soon! It’s about to turn into the latest Hardy Boy’s novel, “The Mystery of The Lewd Halloween Display at a School in Washington.” Eh, working on the title.