Florida Woman Refuses To Wear Mask On Flight, Goes To Jail
I must admit, I’ve felt a bit closer to normal lately. I stopped carrying my mask in my front pocket, which was a huge move for me. I still feel oddly anxious as I move toward my seat in a restaurant, though. I also wipe my hands with sanitizer after pumping gas these days. I guess I’ll always do that now. The only place I still wear a mask is on an airplane. Florida woman got a little agitated after she was told she’d need to wear a mask on a flight recently. The Sarasota woman was removed from an aircraft this Wednesday after refusing to wear a face mask during the flight. The police report says Adelaide Schrowang boarded a flight out of Fort Myers earlier in the week and was told that she would be required to wear a mask. The flight crew said she refused to wear one and began to act unruly when approached about the subject. Federal law requires all passengers on flights wear masks. The flight crew insturcted the woman to put on the face covering, but she refused, saying she became angry and even spit on other passengers as she was removed from the plane by police officers. The woman was arrested and faces several charges. She is currently being held in the county jail on a $20,000 bond. Source: WFLA.com