Hey Tampa, It’s Not Your Mechanic’s Fault
It’s not just a Tampa thing. It’s hard to find a new or used vehicle these days. And when you do, you’re gonna pay top dollar for it. Even repairs or upkeep can be sketchy these days. I’m experiencing it myself. I wanted to have some modifications done to a sports car I own. I work a lot, so I dropped it off at a friend’s performance shop. That was about 2 months ago….then…crickets. It’s easy to blame the shop, your mechanic or whatever. The truth is, there are shortages taking place everywhere. It’s the reason why you can’t find a new car. It’s the reason why you are going to pay extra for a used car. It’s also why you can’t get parts to fix your work truck. Even GM and Ford have had a hard time producing new vehicles due to shortages of electonic parts for their onboard computers. Experts say the best thing to do is relax and try to be patient. The sad part is, when you need a car or a repair to your car, you don’t have time to spare. You need to get to work, pick up the kids and so on. That’s why used car prices are also skyrocketing. The key? Make sure the shop you use has the parts needed to fix your vehicle in stock and ready to install. If you’re looking for a vehicle, consider settling for one that may not be your favorite color or even think about a used vehicle. Tampa Bay area car lots are full, but be preapred to pay…big time. Source: WFLA.com