Florida Vaccine Passport Being Discussed
I’m not gonna lie, a vaccine passport sounds kinda “Big Brother-ish”. But people are traveling more, especially since they received their COVID-19 shots. And with so many states having so many different rules pertaining to social distancing and precautions, it’s easy to mess up and not follow the local rules. That’s where the idea of a vaccine passport came about. While Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says we will not be requiring such a document, other states are moving forward with mandating their use. One industry in particulkar is pushing hard for the documentation. Airlanes have been hit the hardest by the pandemic and they want to protect their industry in the future. They say the card could restore confidence with its consumers, especially international flyers. Opponents to the plan say a card would unfairly make low income Americans less likely to get one, thereby making it more difficult to fly. – Sean Roberts
Source: WFLA.com